Friday, March 5, 2010


Last night we were treated to Mary's incredible web work and inspired to use sound as art. I had already decided to include sound in my work about mothers carrying life, so now I am taking the plunge and do not know what I am doing, but that is fun. I have a small voice recorder that I am trying to figure out and have downloaded Audacity. I plan to use the sounds of life and layer them together. For those of you who have seen my painting/drawing work you know that it makes sense as I am interested in the layering of time, moments lived and traces left.

Here is to trying new things.

1 comment:

  1. i have a really good feeling about htis for you, esp. since you are so intuitively drawn to collage. will be very powerful in combination with the suitcase and 2d piece. here's to it! ;)
